Wallowa Lake Camp & Retreat Center   Joseph, OR  

After seeing my work for Camp Latgawa, the Regional Director of Methodist Camps brought me to Wallowa to generate ideas for keeping it economically viable.

The major problem this camp faced is that decades of unrestricted foot traffic had removed the ground cover of the original woods, and grass had grown in its place. With no trees replacing those that died off, the camp gradually moved from cabins in the woods to cabins adrift on a sea of lawn.

My study, presented as in detailed site plans instead of a written report, showed ways in which the original wooded character of the camp could be regained. It also pointed out several untapped resources, including a buried stream that ran through the site, available to increase the camp's appeal.

Annotated plan of Wallowa Lake Camp & Retreat Center, visual survey. Click for larger version.
Annotated plan of Wallowa Lake Camp & Retreat Center, visual survey

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Also available: Annotated plan, design potentials.

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